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Discover the truth with our team of professionals!
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About Us

With over 40 years of experience, Carmon Confidential Investigations area team of highly credentialed experts that are well trained, experienced and dedicated to offering you the answer to your needs.

All clients can rest assured that confidentiality is paramount here at CCI. Whether you need a private investigator for personal matters or require corporate service, We at CCI are confident that we are the right choice for you.

​​Licensed by the Israeli Ministry of Justice - 100186169


Meir Carmon PhD

"From heading the Israeli Police force's Tel-Aviv district anti-crime unit to opening my own Private Investigation office in the early 1990s.

From there I entered the academic world earning my PhD and rising to the rank of senior lecturer in criminology and now back again to my first love, the world of criminal investigations.

I have trained dozens of private investigators, published many books, some academic and some fictional and what they all have in common is the connection to the criminal world.

I have recently reopened my private investigation office CCI under the management of Miri Amoday, a graduate of my course for the training of private investigators.

I bring with me my extensive experience and the knowledge that I have gained over my many years in the Israel Police force, from running my own agency and from the academic world." 


Yehudit Halifa, Colonel (ret) in the IDF

"I have retired from significant military service spanning over 26 years in technological units. Having served as the head of a senior department in the IDF, my journey now leads me into the realm of private investigations - a world that has captivated me consistently. At this decisive turning point in my life, I have chosen to fulfill my dream. I bring with me the ability to pose questions and raise doubts, along with a mission-oriented mindset, a passion for success, sharp intuition, and comprehensive knowledge."

Yehudit Halifa, Colonel (ret.)


Cyber Department

"Daniel", IT Expert

"Daniel" is a technology buff and IT expert, a QA test engineer with rich experience from the world of hi-tech. His role includes discovering, studying and implementing the latest technologies in order to assist our daily operations."

​"Neomi", Cyber Security Expert

"Neomi" is an expert in the field of defensive and offensive cyber security in addition to cyber intelligence - he uses his unique expertise to locate potential breaches and attackers using both passive and active techniques."

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